
Interesting Fact: Anne Hathaway had to cut her hair for her role in Les Miserables. That haircut earned her an $8 million paycheck!

Interesting Fact: Singer Rhianna pays $2000 a week for her hair stylist.

What licenses and credentials do I need to start & manage my own Salon, or open & run a new Spa business?

Many of the credentials needed to start a company depend on the type of establishment you wish to open and run.  Hair cutting and coloring, massages, and other beauty treatments often require individuals to hold a certain educational certificate.  These must come from accredited institutions.  All new business owners must also obtain a salon license from their state board, in addition to an Employer Identification Number, to ensure all their information is available to the IRS.  If you want to open and own a spa it equires a lot of commitment, especially when ensuring that all your licenses and paperwork are managed properly. 

How can I market my new salon business once it is open?

There are a variety of ways to get your spa's name out into the world.  Internet marketing is easy to run and is quickly becoming the best way to market your company.  Creating internet ads, press releases, and improving your SEO can help individuals find your website and open up more business for you.  You can also start to run and manage print ads for local newspapers to help get your new salon company more traction.

What is the most efficient way to start to set up and manage appointments with clients?

Setting up a system to start to track your appointments and your clients is vital to the success of your new spa.  Salon Spaware boasts a comprehensive business management system.  It allows you to set up appointments with clients without creating time conflicts by showing open time slots.  Clients can also make appointments online, making the entire process simple and efficient to run and manage.  Appointments are tracked in the system's database, meaning you don't have to worry about it. 

What method should I use to manage and take payments?

The systems at Salon Spaware all come equipped with easy to use POS software.  A idea is to start with a variety of differently sized cash drawers that will also fit in with your other spa decor.  It can be programmed to run all major payments types and credit cards.  Scanners are available and allow individuals to open and scan their business inventory into the program, making it easier to ring out clients.  Prices can also be easily adjusted within the module in order to accommodate new pricing options. 

I am going to start adding new employees to my spa business; with Salon SpaWare can I manage what open appointments they have?

Absolutely.  The system makes it incredibly easy to add (and manage) more employees to your roster. The intuitive progam can run and open an appointment schedule for them.  It will be added to your database and new spa appointments can be manually added or individuals can run the online system.  Having each employee start with an organized schedule will help prevent double booking and the salon business can run as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

How should I start to price my new salon business services?

This is entirely based on what services you start to offer.  Certain spa services will run different costs than others, so it is important you manage your pricing accordingly.  Where you open your new salon business can also play a major role on the pricing structure.  If you are located in an area where the cost of living is more expensive, then you can manage your prices to reflect similar spa locations nearby.